Get Set for 2022 Millionaire Raffle

Irish lottery fans can now pick up tickets for the annual Millionaire Raffle, which will take place on 31st December in keeping with tradition.
This year’s Raffle will give away 6,618 prizes, at a combined value of €5.21 million, making it the biggest event of its kind in history.
The draw will create one millionaire, plus thousands of other winners. The other prizes this year range from €500 to €100,000. Go to the Millionaire Raffle page to see a breakdown of all the awards.
All the prizes are guaranteed to be won, as only the ticket numbers that are sold will be entered into the draw.
Only 500,000 tickets go on sale for the Millionaire Raffle, so it’s possible that they could all get snapped up well before the draw takes place.
Make sure to check the results as soon as they are available. You can enter your raffle number in the search box to quickly find out if it has been drawn, as well as the value of any prize it has won.
EuroMillions Superdraw on 2nd December
As well as the Millionaire Raffle, there will be another big event earlier in December when a EuroMillions Superdraw is held on Friday 2nd.
It is the fourth Superdraw, or Megadraw, to take place this year, and the jackpot will be worth €130 million.
Ireland has already had one jackpot winner this year, back in February, when a lucky ticket holder from Munster claimed €30 million.
Written by Lewis Rutledge, 4th November 2022